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( how scoring works )

Chester A. and Ellen Arthur's Baby Pool


Welcome to our baby pool. We look forward to your participation!


arthur Pool Photo

Entered Sort by EnteredPerson Sort by PersonEmail Sort by EmailBirth Date Sort by Birth DateGender Sort by GenderFirst Name Sort by First NameMiddle Name Sort by Middle NameComments/ Congratulations Sort by Comments/ Congratulations
2025-01-28 11:14:30Unlimited Storageanon@???.c
2025-01-01BoyChesterAlanAmazing to see such an oasis of the old Internet alive and kicking. No "Accept Cookies?", no moderation...
2025-01-28 11:18:43Unlimited Storageanon@???.c
2025-01-01BoyTag1Tag2I can use this page as my own personal pinboard. Seems like the last entry was from 2012. I used to have such a place online. On didn't support PHP. Some providers did, but there were ads - many ads. was the only provider to have free PHP hosting without ads.
2012-10-19 15:30:35President Johnsone34@???.co
2012-10-18BoyJamesMadisonyou smell funny!
2008-11-30 10:00:46Hugh McCullochhugh@???.c
1860-12-10GirlMaryMarciFantastic! We are so excited for the arrival of this little one. Please keep us posted.
2009-09-20 22:01:46Jack SpratJackSprat@
2008-11-30 09:52:50James Blainejames.blai
1860-12-07BoyCharlesHerbertSincerest congratulations! Harriet and I are thrilled for your happy fortune.
2008-11-30 10:10:24Mary Arthur McElroymarym@???.
1860-12-11BoyJesseTennesseMy dearest brother, what a wonderful expectation. My coming nephew (I'm quite confident in my prediction aren't I) will be such a blessing. I will be spoiling kind of auntie - be aware :) All my love - Mary
2009-10-27 13:33:27Molly Wittman Millsmollyworld
1860-12-10BoyChapAbethis is fun!
2012-03-08 06:40:38sha'theed awesweepaysa@???.com1860-12-01GirlChesterAStay Cheesy!

Your Name
Email (Optional)
(Will be partially masked for privacy / anti-spam reasons;
however, Chester A. and Ellen Arthur will have access
to your full email address. If you include your email, you can receive
messages such as a birth announcement or other information related to this pool.)
Birth Date
Use format yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2005-12-31)
  NOTE: It's not uncommon to mis-type the year part of
the date - please double check the year you enter.
First Name
Middle Name

After the "Preview" you must click "Save" to save your entry to the pool.


7 Boy (78%)
2 Girl (22%)
  9 Total

Scoring Explanation:

A pool entry/guess entails up to 9 components. The pool administrator chooses which components to include (in dark text below). An exact match results in a zero (0)—a perfect score—for that component. The overall score is the total points of all the active components.

Points are determined as follows:

Birth Date
1 point for each day of the week before or after actual (for instance, off by two weeks means 14 points).

Birth Time
A value ranging roughly between 0 – 3 points for time of day (approximately 0.12 points per hour difference. For instance, plus or minus 4 hours is approximately a half point; birth date is not part of the calculation, so clock time is relative and not calculated across the midnight boundary).

1 point if guess is wrong.

1 point for every inch (or 0.3937 points per cm) greater or less than actual (technically, if the actual is 20 inches and the guess is of 19.999, then 1/1000 of a point is added, for example).

1 point for every lb (or 2.2 points per kg) greater or less than actual (technically, if the actual is 7 lbs and the guess is of 7.001, then 1/1000 of a point is added, for example).

1 point if guess is wrong.

1 point if guess is wrong.

First Name & Middle Name
On average, one will gain 2 to 4 points for an incorrect guess.

The characters of a name are analyzed for similarity. Character parity, order, and count determine how close the guess is to the actual; phonetic distance is also taken into account. For example, if the actual name is "Bart", then:

"Barry" scores better than "Bartholomew" (count: Bart [4], Barry [5], Bartholomew [11]).
"Brad" scores better than "Jill" (parity: Brad contains the 'a' & 'r', but Jill contains neither).
"Marli" scores better than "Keira" (order: both contain the 'a' & 'r' of Bart, but in Keira it occurs in the wrong order).

If the actual name is "Stu", then:
"Stew" scores better than "Stan" (phonetic: pronunciation usage of 'u' more closely related to 'ew' than 'an').

Case matters ('A' is not equal to 'a')!

There's also significant penalty points for a guess that looks like a non-guess: "?" or "???", for instance.

Note: When the administrator of the baby pool enters the Actual Results, some, but not all components may be filled in. Actual Results components of numeric type which are left blank will default to zero (0). Blank multiple choice components will display blank and 1 point is applied equally to all participants for that component. If the Actual Results are removed and re-entered (for the sake of corrections/additions), scores will be recalculated. If a pool component is deselected by the pool administrator, any data entered while it was active will be ignored by the total score calculation.